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Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Photos

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Before Case 287 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen 3 months after surgery

Case 287

This 40 year old patient was concerned about her upper abdomen where there was excess skin and fat of the abdomen.  She opted for a moderate abdominoplasty because her abdominal muscles were still relatively tight.  The abdominal pannus excised weighed 1458g.
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Before Case 281 After
Before Photo After 4 mos.

Case 281

Although the patient came in for a CoolSculpting consult, that procedure would not have accomplished the patient’s objectives.  She opted for a moderate abdominoplasty with liposuction to the hips, which was where she tended to carry her fat.  The excised abdominal pannus weighed...
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Before Case 269 After
Before Photo After Photo

Case 269

This patient had gastric bypass surgery, and maintained her 80 pound weight loss for two years.  The massive weight loss left her with abdominal skin laxity and droopy breasts.  Her BMI and medical history put her in a higher risk for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus, which el...
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Before Case 265 After
Before Photo After 8 mos.

Case 265

Moderate abdominoplasty.  This patient had lost 60 pounds over a decade ago.  Her weight has remained stable.  She works out regularly, but her skin did not bounce back.  She had excess skin, but her abdominal muscles were fairly tight.  As a result, Dr. Janssen performed...
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Before Case 215 After
Before Photo After 6 months

Case 215

This 39 year old patient is a mother of two with excess fat and skin in the abdomen.  She opted for a mini abdominoplasty and abdominal liposuction.
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Before Case 200 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen after surgery

Case 200

This young mother of 3 children had her stomach stretched out during her pregnancies.  After gaining 50 pounds with her first pregnancy, her stomach did not bounce back after giving birth.  She desired an abdominoplasty to bring back her former shape, but could not afford the downtime o...
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Before Case 198 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen after surgery

Case 198

Patient had excess skin on the abdomen and excess fat on the hips.  She elected for a moderate  abdominoplasty and hip liposuction.  2834 grams of the pannus was removed.  Liposuction of the abdomen removed 200 mL of fat.  We removed 500 mL of fat from the right hip, and...
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Before Case 183 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen after surgery

Case 183

When the patient relaxed her abdomen, the fascia laxity and muscle releases gave a pregnant appearance to the abdomen, even though she was no longer pregnant.  She came in for a formal abdominoplasty in which her stomach muscles were tightened.  568 grams of tissue were removed from her...
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Before Case 182 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen after surgery

Case 182

This patient’s chief complaint was excess lower abdominal fat and skin.  She had her children via C-section, and had relatively taut abdominal muscles.  For her moderate abdominoplasty, she had 1462 grams of her abdominal pannus removed under general anesthesia.  She also had...
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Before Case 167 After
Front of abdomen before surgery Front of abdomen after surgery

Case 167

After two children, patient had a formal abdominoplasty, which included suturing both above and below the umbilicus to tighten the fascia and bring the abdominal muscles more towards the midline.  928 gram of the abdominal pannus was removed.
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Oshkosh, WI (920) 233-1540