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You wouldn’t trade your children for the world, but wouldn’t it be nice to capture parts of your pre-pregnancy figure? Increasing numbers of mothers in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are seeking Mommy makeovers from Fox Valley Plastic Surgery when childbearing is completed. Sometimes called the “Mommy makeover,” postpartum body contouring combines a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with breast surgery and other procedures to address multiple body areas affected by pregnancy.
Dr. David Janssen and Dr. William Doubek can expertly reshape your body. The Wisconsin plastic surgeons perform Mommy makeover surgery to help women from places such as Green Bay, Fond du Lac, and Sheboygan perfect their personal Renaissance. To learn about your makeover options, request your consultation in either the Oshkosh or Appleton office using our online form or contact us at (920) 233-1540. The non-refundable $100 cosmetic consultation fee can be applied towards the cost of the procedure.
You can now have a VIRTUAL CONSULTATION via with Dr. Janssen or Dr. Doubek. This encrypted telemedicine system is an easy-to-use online tool that allows you to schedule a HIPAA compliant video call with no download required. Please call the office at 920-233-1540 or email us at [email protected] for instructions on how to proceed.
Like an in-office visit, we will usually need your 1) demographics, 2) insurance information (if applicable), 3) area(s) of concern, 4) photos of the area(s) of concern, and 5) complete health history. We’re here for you more than ever.
The term “Mommy makeover” may be new, but the procedures involved have a long, successful, and safe track record. With the increase in Mommy makeovers, there is an increased corresponding demand for body contouring by men in the same age group. The trend in women is motivating spouses to do their own “Daddy do-Overs”. Men typically target the chest and abdomen area, which includes those troublesome “love handles”.
From skin care to surgery, women from Marquette, Michigan to Milwaukee, Wisconsin trust the board certified plastic surgeons at Fox Valley Plastic Surgery for Mommy makeovers to restore their bodies. With the variety of procedures in a Mommy makeover, prices range from $11,000 to $21,000 depending on the amount of areas to be treated. It is best to schedule an individual consultation for a custom quote. Find out more by contacting Fox Valley Plastic Surgery at (920) 233-1540 or request your consultation online. The non-refundable $100 cosmetic consultation fee can be applied towards the cost of the procedure.
Usually there are multiple procedure discounts for cosmetic procedures: 15% off the surgeon’s fee for the 2nd cosmetic procedure, and 30% off the surgeon’s fee for the 3rd procedure. The operating room fee is discounted 50% for the 2nd+ procedure, while anesthesia is based solely on time. There are zero interest financing options available through Care Credit and Alphaeon Credit. There may be additional discounts, which are too varied to be mentioned here.
The use of Strataderm® immediately after wound closure and for several weeks afterwards, is highly recommended for optimal healing. Stratamed is the first film-forming silicone gel-based wound dressing approved for the use on open wounds and compromised skin. Depending on the length of the incision, a tube of Strataderm® costs $32-$54.
Read about Mandy’s experience with her breast augmentation and other real patient stories in the Real Patient Stories section of our website. Although she was an employee of ours, we treated her like we would any other patient. She got her breast augmentation for all the right reasons, and is thrilled with the results.
Candidates for a Mommy makeover must be in good general health and have a positive attitude and realistic expectations. The chief complaints of these candidates are:
Breast elasticity decreases for moms who have breast fed their children. A breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction can help women improve the appearance of their breasts. Mothers also notice a “postpartum pouch”, which may be a combination of excess skin, fat, stretch marks and a distorted belly button. In those instances, a tummy tuck will flatten the abdomen. A tummy tuck may narrow the waist, but not the hips. Liposuction can improve the contour of flanks or hips, so many Mommy makeovers included liposuction of the hips and thighs. Liposuction is also effective in the chest, thighs, neck, upper arms, and knees. Some patients may wish to add labiaplasty to a Mommy makeover. Learn about these procedures by double clicking on the linked words.
In any of the Mommy makeover surgeries, patient preference will be one of the deciding factors in incision placement. Every effort will be made to make the incisions as small and inconspicuous as possible. Performing multiple aesthetic procedures in combination entails some challenges and risks. While a number of different factors can affect the risk of complications, the board certified plastic surgeons at Fox Valley Plastic Surgery try to minimize risk by keeping the total surgical time under four hours.
FVPS will notify patients if they are affected by this policy. At the pre-operative appointment which normally occurs two days before surgery, patients must take a cotinine test, which detects the presence of nicotine. Test results are immediately available with this quick blood test. If the test is positive, then surgery will be cancelled and the patient will be charged a cancellation fee in accordance with our Financial Policy, which is included in patient paperwork. Smokers, who cannot quit smoking, should not schedule a surgery.
Immediately after the Mommy makeover surgery, patients can generally expect to be bandaged, wearing compression garments, and have some surgical drains. When the anesthesia wears off, patients will have some pain. The level varies by the types of surgery, the pain medication used, and individual patient tolerance. There will also be some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling may remain for months. Because procedures are performed together, patients benefit from having only one recovery time. The first week will be the worst. It slowly gets better in the 2nd and 3rd weeks. After that, patient feel much better, but they will not be able to do any heavy lifting (such as picking up children) for six weeks.
Having both procedures done at the same time does not lengthen the recovery. For example, breast augmentation recovery is approximately seven days, and tummy tuck recovery is ten to fourteen days. The recovery period for both procedures will be in ten to fourteen days. The tummy tuck component of the makeover is the most uncomfortable. Patients must follow the post operative instructions carefully. The first two days are the most uncomfortable. Discomfort typically drops down to a “nagging” level by five to seven days. Full recovery is about six weeks. By the end of the first week, patients should be moving about, but still unable to drive. Patients will probably be comfortable enough to drive a car in two weeks, when all the sutures and drains have been removed. Results are usually apparent within three months.
Dr. David Janssen and Dr. William Doubek combine experience, refined surgical techniques, and artistry to produce beautiful results for their plastic and reconstructive surgery patients.
Oshkosh, WI (920) 233-1540